My name is Martin Thuku, as the Product Manager and financial services lead for Shukran SACCO, I am deeply passionate about fostering financial inclusivity and empowering our SACCO members to achieve their economic goals. My interests lie in leveraging technology to provide innovative financial solutions. I believe that everyone deserves access to quality financial services, and at Shukran SACCO, we are committed to breaking down barriers and creating opportunities for growth. Our new SACCO app is a testament to this commitment, designed to offer our members a seamless and efficient way to manage their finances. This initiative aligns with my vision of a financially empowered community where everyone can thrive.


Being the lead for Shukran SACCO has been an incredibly rewarding experience. It has allowed me to work closely with a dedicated team and a diverse group of members, each with unique needs and aspirations. Navigating the challenges and successes of this role has provided me with invaluable insights into the financial landscape and the importance of adaptability and innovation. The most fulfilling aspect of my job is witnessing the positive impact of our services on our members' lives, from helping them save for their children's education to enabling them to start and expand their businesses. This journey has reinforced my belief in the power of collective effort and the transformative potential of financial cooperatives.


How to download Shukran Sacco